I started a motif challenge with pictorial motifs, chose an illustration, made a rough draft of it, a second draft, and a third draft. Then I let it set for a while as I worked on submission swatches. (Literally, it’s in a pile on my sewing desk with the swatches I haven’t photographed yet for the tubular bind off, some summer blouses that need mending, and my daughter’s needle felting fluff.)
For this version, I looked at the swatch itself for what I wanted to change, not comparing it with the sketch. These are the changes I made:
- switched the nose to an extended loop twist stitch
- smoothed the edge of the left wing to a curve,
- tried Vikkel Braids to edge the perch.
- simplified the claw.
The kids are urging me to do more with color, and what I saw at Rhinebeck is nudging me that that way too. I want to take the photos of the tubular bind off swatches I’ve had sitting on my sewing desk since spring and finish up that blog series, we’ll see if I do come back with an intarsia owl next.