A chart tip, Mostly so I remember it

I’m racing my nephew. Once he’s born, my sister-in-law won’t have so much time to take gorgeous photos for me, so I need to get the samples done and out the door. Saturday I hit a snag: I had to change the pattern. Like an idiot, I did it on the needles and did not pencil all of the notes. Also the mitten I fixed was the inverse of the one I had charted.

So yesterday I had to update the chart so I’d know what I did. I was all confused with those missing stitches you get with ring cables, when I thought to turn my mitten inside out. I find the knit side of stockinette much easier to count stitches in, the purl side easier for rows. Inside out, I could find where I’d made my decreases, count stitches, and they were already inverted, so I didn’t have to flip the chart over in my mind (which makes me sea sick. Chart sick?)

So: next time – more pencils in the knitting bag. But turning the sample inside out is a good trick in case I do forget…again.