Bavarois; a coordinating Contrast Mitten Pattern

Need a jolt of beauty? Look Bavaraois over. Oh those crisp twist stitches, and that color! Of course, whatever yarn you chose is the color you get, but I think New England’s brown and muddy springs need some more burn orange, and their winters would be better for it too.

Spillyjane has many other elegant patterns and a blog. But of course, if you bore easily of repeating mitten hands, Bavarois would be an interesting foil for either the Holly or the Ivy mittens.

Holly and Ivy with tea

With coordinating contrast mittens, you have to buy twice the patterns, but since you don’t get bored making the second hand, you make the second hand.

And as someone who sells patterns, I can’t say I have any problem with you buying more of them 😉