Christine Guest Math and Chemistry Tutor

- I tutor Middle School, High School or College Students
- In pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus 1, and Chemistry
- At Attleboro Public Library
- Weekday afternoons by appointment
- 30$/hour
- I can facilitate study groups for $40 hour split between students.
- email me at ChristineTheTutor197 at gmail dot com
Student's Challenges
How I Support Students
Chemistry and Mathematics are cumulative; if a student misses key ideas, they keep missing new ideas.
Fill in gaps. (After figuring out which gaps).
If a student is taking a video course, they cannot ask the instructor in real time for explanations, or look up the ideas in a text book.
I own a lot of text books, and have taken and tutored a lot of classes
Reviewing in a digital text book is tricky.
I demonstrate digital research skills, and use my collection of print books.
They don’t remember search terms and have huge feelings about this.
Helping them figure out what the search terms are. Remembering how it feels to be confused and embarrassed about my studies.
The student don’t know how to find online resources. Or use them.
I am learning this part too, but I model researching with hope.
They don’t know how to study in a group (that actually gets studying done).
Facilitating study groups, keeping them on task, modeling politeness, organization and communication; until they don’t need me anymore.
My Background
My bachelor’s degree is in Chemistry with a minor in Mathematics from Houghton College. I worked as a chemical technician then a college tutor and barista. Some of my students brought their calculus homework to the espresso stand. My deaf student taught me some ASL. I especially enjoyed my second career pre-nursing students. One of them was the student nurse observing my son’s birth.
Next I homeschooled my children. My two eldest were accepted at Wentworth Institute of Technology as engineering students, with scholarships. One has worked as an engineer for several years, the other is a student now. One of his professors told him to tell me that I had prepared him well.
I have occasionally tutored college, high school, and elementary students from my church and neighborhood. They passed classes they were retaking, increased their grades, and become confident (or at least stop crying). Now that my youngest child has nearly graduated from homeschool high school, I’m ready to tutor more students.