Crocus Petal Edging give the instructions for the folded, double reversible edging with built in holes to pick up and knit into. It’s like a stitch dictionary though: no specific yarn suggestions, gauge or needle size.

Choosing Yarn
Begin with your best guess for needle size, make a swatch, launder it, and see how it behaves. If the fabric pleases you after it dries, then try picking up stitches in the folded airs of yarn overs, and continue your experiements. See if you like the same yarn added to the edging, or a contrasting one.
How much yarn to allow for this project?
Get out a scale. I used to send my swatches to my husband’s lab, but now I have a kitchen scale. I’ve read that some people take their swatches to the post office or grocery store to use the scales there. Weigh a length of your edging. Fold it down, and measure the length along the pairs of double yos. Divide the weight by the length. This gives you the weight of yarn needed for a standard unit of length of edging. Look at the project you want to make, how long are all of the edges that you want to edge in Crocus Petal Edging? Multiply this total length by the weight of yarn per standard unit of length of edging. The resulting number will be the weight of yarn that you need in that yarn for your project.
Choosing Needle Size
As you try your swatches, if it is too loose and floppy, try again with smaller needles. If it is too stiff and hurts your hands, try again with larger needles.
k2tog : Knit 2 stitches together.
k3tog : Knit 3 stitches together.
knit into fbf : Knit into front, back, front of
same stitch.
knit into fb : Knit into front and back of
same stitch.
knit : Knit.
sl2, k1, p2sso : Slip 2 stitches together, k1,
then pass slipped stitches over.
ssk : Slip, slip, knit.
sssk : Slip, slip, slip, knit.
yo : Yarn over.

Beginning of Crocus Petal Edging
Row 1 (RS): K1, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, k1. (5 sts)
Row 2 (WS): K2, p1, k2.
Rows 3 – 4: Repeat rows 1 – 2.
Row 5: Kfb, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, k1. (6 sts)
Row 6: K2, p1, k3.
Row 7: K1, kfbf, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, k1. (8 sts)
Row 8: K2, p1, k5.
Row 9: K3, kfbf, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, k1. (10 sts)
Row 10: K2, p1, k7.
Row 11: K6, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, k1.
Row 12: Repeat row 10.

Repeating Main Section of Crocus Petal Edging
Row 13 (RS): K6, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, k1.
(10 sts)
Row 14 (WS): K2, p1, k7.
Rows 15 – 16: Repeat rows 13 – 14.
Row 17: K3, k3tog, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo,
Row 18: K4, p1, k5.
Row 19: K1, k3tog, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo,
kfbf, k2.
Row 20: K6, p1, k3.
Row 21: K2tog, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, kfb, k4.
Row 22: K7, p1, k2.
Row 23: K1, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, k6.
Rows 24 – 27: Repeat rows 22 – 23.
Row 28: Repeat row 22.
Row 29: Kfb, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, sl1, k1,
psso, k4.
Row 30: Repeat row 20.
Row 31: K1, kfbf, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, sssk,
Row 32: Repeat row 18.
Row 33: K3, kfbf, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, sssk.
Row 34: Repeat row 14.
Row 35: Repeat row 13.
Row 36: Repeat row 14. , sl2, k1, p2sso, yo,
Row 35: Repeat row 13.

End of Crocus Petal Edging
Row 37 (RS): K6, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, k1.
(10 sts)
Row 38 (WS): K2, p1, k7.
Rows 39 – 40: Repeat rows 37 – 38.
Crocus Petal Edging
Photos, Text, Illustrations, and charts ©Christine Guest 2024Row 41: K3, k3tog, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo,
Row 42: K4, p1, k5.
Row 43: K1, k3tog, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo,
kfbf, k2.
Row 44: K6, p1, k3.
Row 45: K2tog, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, kfb, k4.
Row 46: K7, p1, k2.
Row 47: K1, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, k6.
Rows 48 – 51: Repeat rows 46 – 47.
Row 52: Repeat row 46.
Row 53: K1, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, ssk, k4. (9
Row 54: K6, p1, k2.
Row 55: K1, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, sssk, k2. (7
Row 56: K4, p1, k2.
Row 57: K1, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, sssk. (5
Row 58: K2, p1, k2.
Row 59: K1, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, k1.
Row 60: Repeat row 58.

Weave in ends. Fold along the central double decreases with the knitted stitch up, it should fold there somewhat naturally. To use as the bottom eding with a bit of ruffling, pick up and knit through the doubled yos, or Pick up and knit alternated with pick up and purl.
For a flat, reversible edging, pick up and knit through the pairs of holes, then yo. Treat the yo as a stitch on the next row or round.
To add to the side of your work, treat your work as an edging being applied to the petals by picking up and knitting a stitch through the double holes as you come to that selvalge, then decreasing that picked up stitch away on the next row.
To add the petals to the top of an edge of knitting, graft the working stitches to the folded edge, treating the pairs of yos as the stitches.