Holly Chayes just finished a year of handmade clothing wearing, and has an interesting take on if it’s more expensive to make clothes or buy them (she does use modern urban language, so, you’ve been warned.)
Meanwhile Christianity Today had an article about How Fashion Matters, my two favourite quotes, “Models noshing on snacks backstage said they had never been better cared for.” and “Fashion matters because bodies matter,” Collins said via email. “We are not disembodied beings existing only in a spiritual realm. We have to reconcile ourselves to bodies, the sensual and the creative. And fashion is a means for doing that.”
By way of the author link on the CT article, I have a new blog to follow (love my RSS feed, it’s sort of old fashioned new stuff) Why thrift?
And speaking of handmade, or semi-handmade, why wool socks for children, and why mend them at He Sows, She Sews
As for me, I shop at Savers except for shoes and underwear, I sew when I can because I need all the customization I can get; and I often cut up those thrifted clothes and alter them so they will fit better. Much as I’d love to be primarily concerned about third world labor, it’s because my family is living on my husband’s income so we can homeschool, and Saver’s is cheaper. But if it’s also better for the environment, that’s lovely too.