Flower Fairy Dress Finish

K in her flower fairy paisley dress

I had planned to have K set the extra smaller paisleys wherever she wanted them and couche them in place, but once the bodice was done, I liked it plain, and so did K to my huge surprise.

back viewof the flower fairy paisley dress

She did want some flowers on the shoulders, which looked a little small once the ribbing was added to the neck and shoulders, so I added an extra set of petals to make them in proportion.

playing with the skirt of the flowr fairy paisley dress

After she wore it to Sunday School the first time, the shoulders stretched out and kept falling off, so I added another few rounds of deep red to the inside of the neckline, which made all the difference. As she grows, I may need to remove them so the neckline is bigger.

I guess K and I can collaborate – what a wonderful thing to find out.