I managed some Christmas Knitting!

I finished it on the day W arrived at the airport, it was blocking as he came in the door.

Herringbone Parallelogram Scarf in Manos silky wool long view

My son B picked out the yarn by feeling the skeins as he walked by them in the shop.

Manos silk blend in gray

It was a new yarn to me, but I thought W would enjoy knowing it’s part silk (doesn’t everything with silk in it seem exciting?) and that it was made by a women’s cooperative in Uruguay.

the scarf in progress

Dan realized before I did that the subtle color variations would set off the pattern well.

W looking dashing in his scarf

I only used two skeins, with the worsted size in the pattern. It came out a bit shorter than usual, but I did need to finish it on time! The scarf looks good in Manos.

close up of W in his scarf

And W looks dashing in his scarf.