I won a copy of 60 Quick Cotton Knits

Out of the blue, the week my daughter got braces installed, the car needed tires, and I still had 6 calculus tests to grade for Ben’s homeschool, I got an e-mail from Marie Segares of the Creative Yarn Entrepaneur Podcast that I had won a book for linking to the Knitting Link Love Party.

What lovely timing.

60 Quick Cotton Knits

So, how did I like 60 Quick Cotton Knits?

Very much!  Warm weather submission calls are hard. Here is a whole book of cute ones to look at for ideas. The layout is clear – the photos of what you want to make are right next to the thing you want to make, and there a plenty of charts and diagrams too. The directions are terse – which is something I need pointers on – so I should learn a lot.  I was also encouraged to see a few modular pieces – my imagination has been flowing that way lately anyhow, it’s nice to see there is a market for the end result.