I’m home sick today, my husband took the kids over to my Mom’s house for Thanksgiving Dinner. I’m not feeling so ill anymore, so it’s sort of that day to catch up on stuff I get to do when I’m alone; podcasts, knitting, writing.
I’ve been pondering Phil Vischer’s description of his new company for a while.
If I keep calling it my dream, I’m holding on to it too tightly until it becomes something I can’t let go of. And the only thing I can’t let go of is God. Everything else should be held with an open hand.
Sometimes I think I justify too much charting/writing time when I should be smiling at my kids or husband who do seem to actually need me to look at them for them to think I’ve heard them.
Here is an interview with Tim Keller about his new book on vocation (he wrote it with Katherine Leary Alsdorf) I love this quote
Also, the Bible lets us know that while Christ’s kingdom is already here, it is not yet fully here. We are saved, but still very imperfect, yet we live in the certainty that love and goodness will triumph in the world and in us.
In short, we have no reason to become too angry or too sanguine about any trend or object or influence. We have no reason to become too optimistic or too pessimistic. In the book we argue that this balanced gospel-view of life has an enormous effect on how we work. Christian journalists should not be too cynical, nor should they write puff pieces or propaganda. Christian artists should be neither nihilistic and unremittingly dark (as so much contemporary art is), nor sentimental, saccharine, or strictly commercial (doing whatever sells). Christians in business should avoid both the “this company will change the world” hype or cynically “working for the weekend.
I’m not an artist, I’m a cross between an artisan and a technical writer, but I do wonder what a saccharine pattern would be like, and part of me would love to figure out what a strictly commercial one would be – because I’d so love for my numbers to look impressive on my tax forms. Somehow it’s hard not to think that if I’m earning lots of money, that any inconvenience I’m causing others is worth it while I persue my “dream.”
The TECHknitter is starting a series on Kitchener stitch – looks like she’ll be taking on grafting many tricky situations.
And the Curious Knitter has a new version of the Moebius – very cool looking from a human being warm and cute angle as well as a mathematical one. Definitely neither a saccharine nor strictly commercial piece of work.