The Mental Design Team Perseveres

It goes without saying that Butterfly the Visual Inspiration Girl was beyond Bored.

Butterfly: How Many Times have we re-knit this mitten? This winter we’re going to have to wear the rejects.

Sample Knitter: I know, it’s depressing, who would have guessed that row gauge would be so tricky? I sure hope whoever knits this pattern has the same habit of huge purls and tight knits that I do in the round, but what else can I do but specify what gage I actually make? I’d rather be making those Paris mittens, or the Dragon ones. When does the budget say we can buy yarn Mamma Bear?

Mamma Bear: October, after the homeschool stuff if all payed for. Just be happy we are in yarn. Want me to get you a movie out of the library? Movies make knitting the same old thing more fun, so do cookies

Butterfly: I thought being creative was all about “ah ha!” moments – this is more like – being a grown up who has to do boring things.

Mamma Bear: We are a grown up.

Butterfly: Speak for yourself!