- art
- knitting experiments
- and even WordPress design

But in my house? Unicorns.
All our our computers are named for mythical creatures. That way when Dan sees a normal name on our network, he knows if we’ve been war chalked. Also, that name scheme is fun. So my computer’s first name was Unicorn. I was that ’80s girl with unicorn mugs, jewelry boxes, and …

But when Dan gave me a second screen, and Stitchmastery upgraded, Unicorn started slowing down. Dan walked down the hill to First Response Computer Store. Mr Fong was in the process of setting up a Linux work station; he offered to remove some of the functionality, but Dan said, “It’s beautiful, leave it just like it is, It’s coming home with me.” He took my Unicorn hard drive out, and slipped it into the new workstation. The kids said my computer should now be called Mecha-Unicorn.
And my old computer went to my Mom’s house, because she doesn’t do a lot of graphics and it was an upgrade for her.

Then Dan made my computer desk into a standing desk (I’m not quite sure of the chronology, it could have been the other way around.)

You already know I’m a unicorn ’80’s girl, you may as well know this too: this IS my desk in a tidy phase

Even after all that generosity, I teased Dan that all the kids’ laptops have splash screens that match the computer names, but not mine. Well, he took care of THAT!

Well, the Mecha-unicorn IS for triumphing over sweater designs. AND I still need to be here, because, where is that sweater’s neck?
I’ve enjoyed Dan’s whimsy!
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